Taking an Aliyah
When called for an aliyah, come forward and stand to the Torah reader’s right. Take a corner of your tallit or the Torah tie and touch it to the place in the scroll the Torah reader shows you. Kiss the tallit or Torah tie. Grasp both atzei hayim (Torah handles), roll the scroll closed and recite the blessings (also found on a card on the Torah reading table) as follows.

Wait for the congregation to respond:

You then repeat their response:

Continue with the brachah:

Roll the scroll open, hold the right atz chayim (handle) in your left hand and follow as the aliyah is read. Take a corner of your tallit or the Torah tie and touch it to the place in the scroll the Torah reader shows you. Kiss the tallit or Torah tie. Grasp both atzei hayim (Torah handles), roll the scroll closed and recite the blessing: