Shemesh Farms

Shemesh Farms is a farm social enterprise and an innovative initiative of the Shalom Institute for young adults with special needs. These Farm Fellows with diverse abilities help run the enterprise and are an integral part of every aspect of the operation. They farm, plant, harvest and grow herbs that are curated to become certified Kosher, organic spice blends that are then sold at local farmers markets and on their online store. After the Shalom Institute, Camp JCA Shalom and the farm were destroyed in the Woolsey Fire, MJCS became the new farm site to grow herbs, fruits and vegetables.

Hver patient er individuel i sit ønske om et resultat samt i sin sygehistorie. Derfor er en diagnose af patienten, en konsultation med speciallæger og derefter valget af den passende behandling altid her det første skridt.